Step toward Mega Project

M Mukhtar Javed
2 min readDec 27, 2020


Every business starts to solve a problem

Considering this line I wanna share my idea according to the problem I want to eradicate. Today we all know that Pakistan facing many health problems and the reason behind is the lack of nutritious food. Due to lack of awareness in people are leading to nutrition related problems. There is a lot of deficiency of vitamins, minerals and protein in people of 18 to 30 age group. Most of women lead to breast cancer problems, men’s have prostate cancer, mostly our youth lead to depression and anxiety problems.

Fortification of pumpkin seeds in biscuits

Aim is to providing nutritious food only in one product to our local community in an easy way through add pumpkin seeds in biscuits.

Why I prefer?

1.Cheap and affordable product for our local community.

2. Common product, 80% daily preference biscuit in their snack or lunch time and especially for teenagers.

3. Different flavors for children and available in different price range.

Time has passed and now people are becoming more conscious about food and health related problems that what they eat or not and which food affect them. People must prefer fortified pumpkin seeds biscuits because of its high nutritional profile that available in one product. They should definitely prefer this product instead of eating too much and gain extra nutrition from different foods which is not suitable for them. Use of pumpkin seeds in a roasted form is more beneficial and also it’s not affect their nutrients in baking process.

Pumpkin seeds is a good source of antioxidants, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Copper, calcium, vitamin A, k, E, B-6, and rich in protein. But low in saturated fat. Several health benefits are following below.

· Reduces cholesterol level

· Helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases

· Reduces risk of prostate cancer in man

· Provides relief from insomnia and anxiety or depression

· Prevent breast cancer in women

· Improved bladder control in women

· Reduces bone weakness and symptoms of osteoporosis

· Help in maintaining sugar level

I really enjoyed working on the mega project as this is a whole new experience.

